
Unfortunate Looking

Men, if you are ugly (which is lamentable and I would it not wish upon anyone) it would not be prudent to blame yourself. It is not your fault. I recommend you start blaming a woman for this sad circumstance. First and foremost, blame your mother, for it was she who brought you into to this cruel world and at least 50% of those ugly genes came from her. Also, the drinking, drugs and cigs didn't help your cause.

Second-of-ly, blame women in general, for they are the shallow sows that can't see past the outer disgust and through to the beauty that awaits within. Judgmental, critical and self-conscious women can be. Nothing like men, the gender that always, without fail, accepts women for who they are on the inside, irrespective of appearances. If women could be more like men in this regard, the world would be a much more pleasant place.

Thirdly, you can also blame B Harris if you'd like. What, with his lavender suits, pointed shoes and French cuffs. Weekly facials, manicures and pedicures. A very prominent noddle. His ravishing good looks make us all ugly by comparison. Too bad ladies, it is widely rumored (mainly in circles that include me or his mother) that he is a bit ginger beer. Blame should directed toward his idol, Liberace, who was practically a woman. So it all works out.

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