
You Disgust Me

Yes, you. By a margin of more than 2 to 1, you, dear reader, have opted for inhumane behavior over delicious feline meat.

This story, for example, details the lengths to which some savvy restauranat proprietors will go to ensure only the finest meat is served.


Cat Fight Over China's Feline Meat Trade

"It cost me seven Renminbi a pound," a man told me, pointing at a hessian sack. He had paid about 70p for cat meat at a southern China market.

As we chatted, the bag seemed to move by itself, emitting a plaintive 'meowing' sound.

The man had just bought four live cats, which he told me he had served up later that day to diners in his restaurant.

In China, the trade in live cat meat is thriving. By some estimates, 10 000 cats are sold and eaten every day in one city alone - mainly served up as kebabs or in Chinese-style hotpot.


The rest of that awesome article is here.

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